Sara Johnson Thrills Readers in Latest Installment of Alexa Glock Forensics Mysteries

In this episode 395, we feature critically acclaimed mystery writer, Sara Johnson, and the fifth book in her Alexa Glock Forensics Mystery series, The Hungry Bones. Publisher’s Weekly says that “Johnson expertly balances her lead’s personal and professional lives and maintains nerve-shredding suspense throughout. This gives every indication that Alexa can sustain a long-running series.”

Show discussion highlights: 

  • How travel inspires Sara’s writing
  • The life-changing nature of a trip to New Zealand
  • How Sara decides on the title for each book
  • Developing character arcs for a series
  • Alexa Glock’s journey from the first book to the latest
  • The New Zealand Gold Rush and its role in The Hungry Bones
  • The meaning of a “hungry ghost”
  • Creating a spooky setting in New Zealand, the erie nature of the country
  • Sara’s research process for the forensics aspect of the books
  • Writing advice for authors interested in writing a series of books
  • The value of writing community

Brief author bio:

Sara E. Johnson is a mystery writer who spent nine months exploring wondrous New Zealand. Everywhere she snooped, there was a mystery that needed writing.  The Bone Riddle, Sara’s fourth novel in the Alexa Glock Forensic Mysteries, was published in June, 2023.  The first three mysteries in the series are, in order of publication, Molten Mud MurderThe Bones Remember, and The Bone Track.  Sara’s publisher is Poisoned Pen Press/Sourcebooks.

Sara also writes articles for magazines.  Most recently, she introduced readers of The Strand magazine to five New Zealand-based mystery writers. Shark cage diving, featured in her second book The Bones Remember, is the topic of her article in the CrimeReads website.  Take a look at Adventures in Shark Cage Diving!

She has a BA in Journalism and an MA in Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Sara lives in Durham, North Carolina with her husband. Sara is a graduate of the Durham Citizen Police Academy. She is the past President of Triangle Sisters in Crime and a member of the North Carolina Writers’ Network.

Learn more about the author and their books HERE.

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