Celebrating the Third Edition of “Headwaters,” an anthology from High Country Writers

In this episode, host Landis Wade has a conversation with two leaders and a member of High Country Writers Club founded in 1995, about the club and the recently released third edition of Headwaters, featuring prose and poetry from the High Country, and Landis and his three guests all read one of their pieces from the book. The club was originally formed as a support group for Boone-area romance writers but over the past 25 years has grown into a support group for authors of all genres, but also a showcase for them. Each month, HCW provides a workshop, a published speaker and a critique as well as special programs, events, and awards throughout the year.

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The third edition of Headwaters was compiled and published at a unique time. This edition of the anthology contains submissions from local high school students as well as HCW members. All submissions were vetted and edited by organization members. HCW hopes readers find a connection with HCW through this work, or perhaps inspiration, or just a pleasant interlude in their own busy lives.

Guest Mar Startari is incoming President of HCW and coordinating editor of the Third Edition of Headwaters; she holds an art degree from East Carolina University, has taught art, creative writing, geo-graphics, ultimate frisbee, whitewater, rock-climbing and orienteering. Although poetry has been her favored expression, Mar has tried many other types of writing.  In 2019, she received a Wordsmith award for her poem, February Thistles, and the Coe-Kaiser Journalism Award for her blog, Eavesdroppings,  www.boonebarndog.com. She’s published two books, Flicker:Ultimate Perspectives and Flicker:Trail Notes, showcasing her art/poetry and recently Wildflowers of the Southern Appalachia; a coloring/puzzle book.

Guest Judith Geary was the designer and worked closely with Mar to produce Headwaters; she is a teacher, author, editor, and designer. She worked in various capacities in editing and design for Ingalls Publishing Group for fifteen years and continues to freelance in editing and book design. Geary is author of the Getorix series of young adult adventures set in ancient Rome. Geary’s own writing is illuminated by her passion for the details of history and of human interactions. She has taught in the Department of Communication at Appalachian State University since 1986 and currently teaches a beginning course in the design programs of the Adobe Creative Suite.

Guest Dr. Leslie Anne Perry and club member was born in New York, and has lived in Texas, Missouri, California, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina. A former teacher and teacher educator, she is a professor emerita in the Clemmer College of Education at East Tennessee State University, where she taught children’s literature and language arts for twenty years. She is the author or co-author of four traditionally published books, two traditionally published tests, twenty self-published books, and sixty-eight articles in fifty-eight different journals and magazines.